Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine are utilized to balance Qi, or energy, in the electromagnetic fields and Qi fields in our bodies. Different things can happen in life that create a disharmony or imbalance in these fields. These things can include injury, surgery, lack of adequate and proper exercise, suppression of emotions, poor diet or a diet that is not healthy for one's specific constitution, and sometimes it can happen naturally with the process of aging. Acupuncture balances any disharmonious flow of energy in the body and in so doing, regulates the nervous system and internal organ function, boosts the immune system, relieves pain, regulates hormones, and releases emotions and stress.
Acupuncture is a guidance, or message, to the body that promotes and enhances self-healing. Because of this, there are little to no negative side effects, and the recipient becomes empowered in their own ability to heal themselves.
Fire Cupping
Fire Cupping uses fire to create a suction in a glass “cup” that is then applied to the skin. This negative pressure pulls muscles and tissue up and away from the attachments, creating a similar effect as a massage, except in reverse! The cups are then left attached to the skin for a period of time (Stationary Cupping), removed and replaced rapidly (Flash Cupping), or moved with the use of herbal oil (Gliding Cupping), or a combination of the three techniques is used. Treatment can focus on neck/shoulders/back, on the legs, or on the abdomen and is often indicated for muscle tension or adhesions, promoting lymphatic flow, reducing cellulite, reducing scar tissue, or weight loss.
Herbal Medicine
Commonly, Herbal Medicine is used in three different forms: 1) Raw herbs that are made into a tea, 2) Powdered herbs that are dissolved in hot water, and 3) Patent medicines that are pre-made in capsules, tinctures, or tablets. We perform an in-depth intake to determine the correct herbal formula to address the client’s declared intention, specific constitution, and root pattern. Traditional Chinese medicine often uses herbal medicine to enhance and prolong the acupuncture treatment, although herbs can also be used effectively without acupuncture. With the correct diagnosis and formulation, herbal medicine is safe for all ages and is a great option for those hesitant to use acupuncture.
Allergy Elimination
NAET allergy elimination uses the technique of neuromuscular sensitivity testing (NST) to determine if certain substances including foods, environmental allergens, pathogens, or other organic or inorganic compounds are creating an immune response in the body. This is a simple, non-invasive technique that has been backed by research and laboratory testing of IgE and other antibodies in the blood. Once the substance is identified, “clearing” of the body’s response to this allergen is preformed by acupressure to return homeostasis to the body.
Moxa is made by taking the plant, Mugwort, or Artemisia, and rubbing the fine hairs from the leaves. These hairs are collected and then aged in the sun for a few months up to decades! The resulting substance is called Moxa, which is burnt (Moxibustion) like incense and can be used with acupuncture on top of a needle, compounded into a cone placed on the skin, or packed into a stick that is then waved over specific acupuncture points. The action moves Qi and blood and stimulates circulation and the lymphatic system. It is often used to treat joint pain, digestive issues, organ prolapse, fertility issues, and muscle pain and cramping.